Monday, April 27, 2009


I have to say, I am enjoying life very much. What I wanted when I was younger was to be married, have some kids, own my own home and do things I enjoy. Well I have to say, I definitely have that.

And yet, I still feel somewhat unfulfilled. Now some people may think, "it's because she has no career". Well I don't think it is that at all. I spent a year travelling to Toronto everyday, spending 11+ hours out of my home and I can assure you, that DID NOT fulfill me. The idea of spending my days away from my home and family is definitely not something that makes me feel happy.

I think what I'm looking for is a life change. A change to simplification. A change to slow down. A change to spend more time with my husband and kids. A change not only good for my mind but also my body. Thankfully, Jason shares this view.

We have always wanted to live out in the country...and by country I mean, Northern Ontario. How far north? Well the furthest would be Sudbury. I'd prefer closer to Huntsville, just South West of Algonquin Park or nearby North Bay.

As for how, when, etc.? Well that is unclear. Right now we are considering our options.

With the current housing market it really would be an opportune time to buy, but unfortunately not to sell and we'd have to sell our house here. We also want to do some work on this house before selling, so the "when" sort of depends on the economy. But time is a good thing as it let's us research this change.

We are currently tossing around the possibility of buying land rather than a home. The most important things is where for us. We want a couple acres, waterfront and some isolation, although not too, too much as we do want the kids to be able to get to school easily and have friends.

We would then rent a mobile home of somekind to live in while we build. The house would be a small to medium sized house this is ecologically sound. Green building materials, using "grey water" and rainwater to irrigate the gardens, solar panels or wind energy, a solar hot water heater, and so on and so forth. We would like to lower our energy costs and become more self-reliant, while reducing our carbon footprint.

Part of the self-reliance is living off the land. The couple of acres would include gardens with vegetables/fruit and fruit trees. At some point we'd even like to keep animals, chickens at least. But that is further down the road. Fruits and vegetables would make us happy in the meantime.

So those are my thoughts and dreams of the future. I will blog more as this comes into fruition. Hopefully sooner than later!

Easter Cakes

So I'm getting into cake decorating so I thought I'd share my cakes up to this date. Next week I start my first decorating course, so I will continue to share my cakes with you as I progress through that.

My first decorated cake was one for a dinner party we held in March. It was an "Indian" night and dessert was mango ice cream and spice cake. Here is the finished product. I'm pretty pleased with the outcome, considering this was my first try at anything like this. This is a spice cake with vanilla and cinnamon buttercream icing. Everything was homemade.

Then for Easter I offered to make cupcakes for Emily's class. I did confetti cupcakes with green buttercream icing to look like grass, and candy eggs on top. Again, all homemade.

For Easter Sunday dinner at my parents I made a "bunny" cake for us all. This one is butter pecan cake with vanilla buttercream icing. The bunny, fence and vegetables are all made from fondant that I hand coloured. The "dirt" is made with oreo cookie crumbs. The next pictures show my progress:

Butterpecan Cake Batter

My current cake tins with parchment in the bottom

My homemade buttercream icing

My crumbcoated cake

My fondant pieces - took me about an hour to do with the hand colouring

The finished cake. I was pretty pleased with it, especially with it being my 2nd cake :)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


OK, onto one of my fishies! This post talks about my 45 gallon aquarium and it's recent changes.

A little background...we set up a 45 gallon fresh-water aquarium about a year and a half ago. We had great success early on. The tank cycled well, our plants were growing like crazy and our fish seemed really healthy. Then last summer we had what we refer to as "The Reckoning". We went away for a couple of days and came back to a tank full of dead fish. It seems the heater malfunctioned and kept heating the tank up more and more. It looked like the fish were cooked. So we cleaned up and started some new fish. Since this point, we haven't had the same success. Plants aren't growing well. Fish do poorly. And then we had an outbreak of brown algae (well diatoms anyway) that has lasted months, with no fixing, not due to trying though.
So I had decided that this tank needed a serious overhaul and that's what last night's trip to Big Al's was about. We purchased the following:

  • Large bag of black gravel (I had wanted to go with sand, but the pro's advised us against it with the type of filter we have *Eheim Canister Filter)

  • Large bag of Eco-Complete (plant fertilizer)

  • 6 new plants: 2x Nesaea crassicaulis, Limnophila aromatica, Bronze Windtii, a Crypt and an Amazon Sword

  • 2 silk plants: I know I said I'd NEVER have fake plants in one of my aquariums, but silk plants have come a long way - anyway, these are just filler until my plants get bigger and/or I purchase more real ones - that being said, I'm really pleased with the way they look

  • A ship wreck: Another thing I don't normally go for, but I liked this one as it has many holes for "Headly" (our Raphael Catfish) to hide in

  • 2 large pieces of driftwood

  • 2 large rocks and a piece of slate (to make a cave for "Headly")

  • And some extra "Big Al's Bio Support" to help with any good bacteria lost in the move

So we started by removing all the fish into a 10 gallon tank. We currently have:

  • 1 Spotted Raphael Catfish

  • 1 Glass Catfish

  • 1 Redwag Platie

  • 1 Albino Cory Cat

  • 4 Spotted Cory Cats

  • 2 X-ray fish

  • about 4 or 5 each of Neon Tetras & Rummy Nose Tetras (haven't counted lately)

Then we suctioned out most of the water, saving what we could. Got rid of all the old brown gravel and fertilizer and scrubbed down the glass inside with RO water and a very clean cloth. It looked like new when we were done.

Next Jay cleaned out all the filter tubes, our "bubbler", the heater and the hood. We rinsed out the pads from the filter, in the tank water as they were FULL of brown algae, but hopefully did not destroy too much good bateria.

Added in the Eco-Complete, the new black gravel hooked up the filter, heater & bubbler and started "aquascaping". I like the way it turned out! Can't wait for the plants to grow and take over more though.

We filled half full with fresh, de-chlorinated water, added in the saved water from the old tank set-up and turned on the filter and let it filter for a bit. We then topped up with a bit more fresh de-chlorinated water.

Once temp was good and filter had had a chance to deposit some of the good bacteria around, I added some "Bio Support" for good measure and then released the fish back in.

They all seem happy, especially one guy! "Headly", who we normally never see as he's always hiding and nocturnal, has been swimming around checking out the new space for several hours the daytime! Hopefully this is a sign he really likes the new place.

Now if I can just get Jason to splash out on all the stuff needed to set-up our 90 gallon a reef aquarium!!

The first post...

Well it seems that the rest of the world has a blog, so why not me? Although I will admit, this is much more for me to ramble on than it is for anyone to actually read. I guess it's more of a diary of sorts with which to express myself.

As April is turning out to be a rather properous month for us, yes even amid this financial climate, we decided that last night was "treat night" for us all and headed out the door to do a little shopping.

First stop was for Jason. His beloved and ancient Bulova wind-up watch had broken again and we were off to get it fixed again. Due to it's age and quality, we found it would cost more to fix than to purchase a new one, especially with the sales going on these days. So Jason got a new watch. Similar to a kinetic watch, but instead you tap it twice each morning to keep it running. He's pretty thrilled with it!

Next stop...toy store! The kids got new Webkinz. Pink Poodle named Daisy for Emily and a Turtle name Thupy (sp?) for Ben.

Then it was dinner. Chinese for Em and me. McDonald's for Ben (so he could get a Monsters vs. Alien toy) and some REALLY horrible pizza for Jason. He took one bite and couldn't eat the rest. Do not worry though, he got something else to eat later!

Now off to my get my "treat". To my very favourite store...Big Al's Aquariums. Man, I LOVE that place! It was a great day to go too, as it was shark feeding night. More about this in my next post!